Question for code review


@Author: damminhtien :whale:

@LastUpdate: 30/03/2021

Questions to ask yourself when conducting a code review

Code review plays an vital role in software development pipeline. Although in the modern day this work is more easier and automate with the support of a lot of CI tools, reviewer have to know extractly what the purpose of pull requests and where the issues can happen.

Let’s look over some of the questions we might ask ourselves while reviewing code.

  1. Is the code clean and modular?
    • Can I understand the code easily?
    • Does it use meaningful names and whitespace?
    • Is there duplicated code?
    • Can I provide another layer of abstraction?
    • Is each function and module necessary?
    • Is each function or module too long?
  2. Is the code efficient?
    • Are there loops or other steps I can vectorize?
    • Can I use better data structures to optimize any steps?
    • Can I shorten the number of calculations needed for any steps?
    • Can I use generators or multiprocessing to optimize any steps?
  3. Is the documentation effective?
    • Are inline comments concise and meaningful?
    • Is there complex code that’s missing documentation?
    • Do functions use effective docstrings?
    • Is the necessary project documentation provided?
  4. Is the code well tested?
    • Does the code high test coverage?
    • Do tests check for interesting cases?
    • Are the tests readable?
    • Can the tests be made more efficient?
  5. Is the logging effective?
    • Are log messages clear, concise, and professional?
    • Do they include all relevant and useful information?
    • Do they use the appropriate logging level?

Reference: AWS Machine Learning Foundations Nanodegree Program